Tag: jQuery

Creating an App from Scratch: Part 9

Part 9 of the Creating an App from Scratch series, in which Chris Coyier and Jason Lengstorf go over bug fixes, security concerns, and other feature tweaks that occurred after the application went live.

Creating an App from Scratch: Part 2

Part 2 of the Creating an App from Scratch series, in which Chris Coyier and Jason Lengstorf cover, in great detail, the planning, design, building, and testing of an AJAX-powered web application based on PHP/MySQL.

JSON: What It Is, How It Works, & How to Use It

This article will cover the following: What is JSON, why does it matter, and how do we use JSON in a project? We’ll also use our newfound skills with JSON at the end of this project to build a quick app that loads photos from Flickr without requiring a page refresh.

Easily Create External Links Without the Target Attribute

I’m a big fan of keeping sites valid in XHTML 1.0 Strict. When I first started paying attention to standards, one of the things that stumped me right off the bat was the use of external links. This tip shows you how to use jQuery to keep your code valid AND have links open externally.